Becky Hutchinson
Senior Graphic Designer

During my childhood, I went from “y’all” to “you guys” too many times to count, well, almost… From Chicago to New Orleans to Denver to Houston…even spent a couple years in Egypt! (My dad worked for an oil company.) The nomad-like behavior didn’t stop there! After graduating from LSU (Geaux Tigers!), where I studied Graphic Design, I moved to New Orleans (where I met my husband, a WV native). We moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, then to Portland, Oregon and have now found “OUR PLACE” here in West Virginia. FINALLY… settled!
With each move came different experiences as a Graphic Designer in a variety of environments including design studios, marketing agencies, magazines and newsweeklies. SinceBlaineTurner Advertising offers such a variety of products and services, it has been a perfect match for me and I feel so lucky to have found such a full-filling job and such wonderful people to work for and with! Here at BlaineTurner, I’ve been constantly busy working on numerous and challenging projects. There’s never a dull moment in my job. Almost every day I find myself working on different types of projects such as large trade show displays, magazine advertisements, event tickets and invitations, and corporate identities, to name only a few.
For OTHER fun, I have 3 SUPER BUSY children! I love playing balloon swords with my youngest, video games with my middle, and shopping with my oldest. My husband and I are enjoying making our newly purchased house “OURS” and going out on occasional “DATES.” I also enjoy wacky costumes and listening to NPR and/or loud music (Radiohead, Prince, William Shatner… awww yeah!) on my way to and from work. Movies I will NEVER get sick of watching include Uncle Buck, Tommy Boy and Kung Fu Panda. I’m no longer a fan of violent, scary movies. Guess I’m getting old, Y’ALL!